What Could Go Wrong?
Dating After Divorce: How to Protect Yourself, Your Children and Your Assets
We are having a special event April 12, 2023, at 6pm in Scottsdale Arizona...
Finding and being in a great relationship is hard and can be even harder if you’ve been through a divorce. How can you make sure you don’t make the same mistakes? How do you avoid making new, even bigger mistakes, especially when it comes to your finances? At this event you will learn practical tips for common financial pitfalls at the onset of a new relationship which will help you protect yourself, your children, and your assets.
Topics covered, include:
- How to preserve your assets when you re-marry/begin a new relationship
- How to avoid a gold-digger
- How to protect your children’s college money
- What if your partner or kid is a spendthrift
- Keeping assets in your family if your child (or partner’s child) is a mess
- When to use prenuptial agreements
- Will you unknowingly disinherit your children and grandchildren?
- …and more!
- Plus, answers to your questions
Join Our Group Discussion!!! This will be interactive.
For women and men.
Bring a friend!
Organized by Jim, our Financial Expert.
Share your experiences and concerns. Ask questions! Questions can be asked anonymously as well. Expect this to be both entertaining and educational.
Register Here to get the address of the event.